Keep us, O God, from pettiness;
Let us be large in thought, in word, in deed. Let us be
done with fault-finding
And leave off self-seeking.
May we put away all pretense
And meet each other face-to-face,
Without self-pity and without prejudice.
May we never be hasty in judgment
And always generous.
Let us take time for all things:
Make us to grow calm, serene and gentle. Teach us to
put into action our better impulses,
Straightforward and unafraid.
Grant that we may realize it is
The little things that create differences,
That in the big things of life we are as one.
And may we strive to touch and know
The great, common human heart of us all,
And, Oh Lord God, let us forget not
To be kind.
– Mary Stewart
Our rich legacy is built on the dedication and passion of trailblazing women who have made a lasting impact on our community. We extend our deepest gratitude to the leaders who have come before us, paving the way for future generations through their unwavering commitment and service.
Kay Gittings
Gertrude Dietrich
Margaret Haller
Elizabeth Allen
Ruth Miller
Dorothy Wilhelm
Audrey Davidson
Jean Russell
Janice Huitt
Ruth Stewart
Gertrude Westland
Eleanore Ross
Peg Stairs
Loisann Lawson
Wilma Schafer
Erla Maxwell
Janet Inghram
Laura Keller
Ida Mae Mehalov
Helen Wagner
Helen Beckert
Patricia Elsner
Carolyn Weisel
Joan Kraus
Johanna Sisca
Jean H. Brooks
Patricia Redpath
Frances Anderson
Yvonne Etter
Eileen Bauer
Jean H. Brooks
Fran Kraus
Susan Ball
Betty Nesbit
Phyllis Maier Burgess
Fran Kraus
Sue Sirianni
Susan Ball
Cindy Bock
Johanna Morrison
Heather Perman
Edie Haughton
Dianne Kelleher
Donna Mastandrea
Keep us, O God, from pettiness;
Let us be large in thought, in word, in deed. Let us be
done with fault-finding
And leave off self-seeking.
May we put away all pretense
And meet each other face-to-face,
Without self-pity and without prejudice.
May we never be hasty in judgment
And always generous.
Let us take time for all things:
Make us to grow calm, serene and gentle. Teach us to
put into action our better impulses,
Straightforward and unafraid.
Grant that we may realize it is
The little things that create differences,
That in the big things of life we are as one.
And may we strive to touch and know
The great, common human heart of us all,
And, Oh Lord God, let us forget not
To be kind.
– Mary Stewart
In loving memory of the remarkable women who have passed, we honor their lives and cherish their contributions to our community and our club. Their spirit, dedication, and kindness will forever be a part of our legacy. Though they are no longer with us, their impact continues to inspire and guide us.
Orpha C. Becktel
Eleanor Anderson
Mary Lou Gibson
Jean Richards
Marie Schmidt
Helen Read
Marion Neely
Elizabeth Allen
Gloria Mower
Marion Mall
Isabel Martin
Bernice Henderson
Helen Peters
Ruth Rebner
Ethel Leven
Anna Wuttur
Helen Reed
Dorothy Wilhelm
Marge Love
Joan Kraus
Joan Griffith
Janice Crawford
Mary Margaret Grogan
Florence Fitzsimmons Sunder
Betty Nesbit
Erla Maxwell
Eleanore Ross
Barbara Burgess
Joan Holzman
Rita Rooney
Eileen Hannes
Patricia Bock
Marilyn Kapff
Peg Hogner
Jean Kahn
Mary Roberts
Gertrude Dietrich
Dolores Schafer
Ruth Miller
Carmen Dougherty
Beverly Amberson
Grace Louise Sedam
Angela Grady
Lucille Blackwood
Evelyn Naughton
Margaret Hacking
Patricia Elsner
Vera Warr
Gladys Cotabish
Dolores Dudas
Martha Householder
Irene Ferguson, M.D.
Lorraine Weisser
Mary Wuenschel
Emily Lockmeyer
Bessie Vickerman
Grace German
Virginia Wilson
Shirley Wolfe
Gene Osterman
Jean Davis
Gerry Romig
Lois Huddleston
Elizabeth Miller
Dr. Anna Wagner
Loisanne Lawson
Dorothy Baker
Elsie Miller
Loretta Proch
Jeannette Ebken
Lucille M. Koehler, MD
Margaret Stoner
Francis Anderson
Carolyn Weisel
Jean Bonnett
Nancy Kerr
Mary Jane Fleming
Eleanor K. Smith
June Crawford
Mary Ann Dillon
Jean Brooks
Gertrude Bollinger
Regina Baker
Laura Keller
Nora May
Mary Miller
Denise Duve
Marsha Wagner
Jean Connell
Helen Wagner
Lois Stoner
Dorcas Rylands
Betsy Eidenmiller
Ida Mae Mehalov
Pat Kozar
Joyce Caruso
Help us serve our community and make a difference in the lives of others.