Annual Holiday Craft Fair

Bethlehem Lutheran Church 1719 Mt Royal Blvd, Glenshaw, PA, United States

The Annual Holiday Craft Fair is back!!! Mark your calendar for this Saturday, November 12th from 10am to 3pm! With over 60 local vendors you're bound to find incredible gifts, home decor, and food to make this holiday season extra special.

January Club Meeting

Glenshaw Presbyterian Church 300 Glenn Avenute, Glenshaw, Pennsylvania, United States

The Glenshaw Century Club meets monthly to connect our members to our mission to serve our community through acts of kindness and the donation of goods and services to members of our community in need. Every meeting covers recent events, upcoming opportunities to volunteer, a financial update, and a guest speaker presents on a topic...

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February Club Meeting

Glenshaw Presbyterian Church 300 Glenn Avenute, Glenshaw, Pennsylvania, United States

The Glenshaw Century Club meets monthly to connect our members to our mission to serve our community through acts of kindness and the donation of goods and services to members of our community in need. Every meeting covers recent events, upcoming opportunities to volunteer, a financial update, and a guest speaker presents on a topic...

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