We are a philanthropic service organization that focuses on educational grants, community services, and assistance to the elderly and disabled. This past year the club contributed over $9,000 to various charities, and $29,000 in grants to outstanding Shaler Area High School Seniors.
Within our club are a number of committees dedicated to serving our neighbors through different acts of kindness. Our committees include community welfare, dining and entertainment, social media, and more.Â
Our welfare committee creates Caring Bears for local ambulances and Emergency Rooms, creates beautiful flower arrangements for hospital patients, provides monthly member donations to various community charities, and visits Kane Hospital with the Banjo Club. Volunteers are welcome.
Every year we host a number of events to raise money to support the club’s mission. These events include the Spring & Fall Craft Fairs, Fashion Show Luncheon, Catered Dinners To Go, and the Lottery Raffle. In addition to these events we provide many other opportunities to participate and give back to our community.
Many wonderful friendships are created within our organization and we gather on social occasions for Bridge, 500, and afternoon or evening social events.
To become a member, you must be sponsored by one of our members and you must have attended one meeting. To request information to attend a club meeting please contact us today!
ANNUAL DUES are twenty-five ($25.00) dollars and payable to Glenshaw Century Club, Inc. at the April meeting.
Keep us, O God, from pettiness;
Let us be large in thought, in word, in deed. Let us be
done with fault-finding
And leave off self-seeking.
May we put away all pretense
And meet each other face-to-face,
Without self-pity and without prejudice.
May we never be hasty in judgment
And always generous.
Let us take time for all things:
Make us to grow calm, serene and gentle. Teach us to
put into action our better impulses,
Straightforward and unafraid.
Grant that we may realize it is
The little things that create differences,
That in the big things of life we are as one.
And may we strive to touch and know
The great, common human heart of us all,
And, Oh Lord God, let us forget not
To be kind.
– Mary Stewart
Help us serve our community and make a difference in the lives of others.